Dispatchable renewables
In November 2017 the Government of Alberta tasked the AESO to assess if dispatchable renewables and energy storage are needed to continue to deliver a reliable electricity system as the province transitions towards 30 per cent renewables by 2030, and if they are needed, how they should be procured.
After a thorough assessment, in-depth technical analysis and broad stakeholder engagement, we provided a report to the government on May 31, 2018. The Government of Alberta has reviewed and endorsed the analysis, conclusions and recommendations provided in the Dispatchable Renewables and Energy Storage Report and we are pleased to make it available to stakeholders.
- Dispatchable Renewables and Energy Storage Report [Posted Sept. 25, 2018]
An information session to present the results of the Dispatchable Renewables and Energy Storage Report was held on Oct. 3, 2018. Please click here to view the presentation and click here to view a copy of the webinar recording.
Stakeholder questionnaire
In Q1 2018, stakeholders were invited to provide their views on dispatchable renewables and energy storage in Alberta. The AESO thanks all those organizations and individuals that submitted responses.
The feedback provided by survey respondents covered a wide range of stakeholder experience, encompassing projects around the world and across a spectrum of technologies.
These submissions were carefully considered and helped inform the AESO’s final report and recommendations to the Government of Alberta.
A high-level summary of the survey results can be found below. The AESO takes no position on any of the comments provided by stakeholders.
Dispatchable Renewables and Storage: Update to Stakeholders [Posted: April 19, 2018]
Contact us
Please email us at dispatchablerenewables@aeso.ca if you have any comments or questions on this initiative.