Tariff-Related Initiatives
The AESO has published an updated overview of the tariff-related initiatives that the AESO intends to progress in 2023 and beyond. The AESO Proposed 2023 Tariff Work Plan (plan) will provide stakeholders with a consolidated comprehensive view of the AESO’s tariff-related initiatives for their information and planning purposes. The AESO’s aim is to advance value-add initiatives in consideration of the AESO’s legislative mandate, decisions and directions from the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC or Commission), and input and feedback from stakeholders.
The material in this plan is focused on tariff-related initiatives only. Unanticipated findings or learnings could impact the plan resulting in changes to the proposed schedule or the initiatives themselves. The AESO will endeavor to keep stakeholders informed of any such changes.
The below initiatives have been included in the plan for 2023. Please refer to the plan for more detail on each initiative. To follow details on ongoing tariff-related initiatives and engagements, you can also follow the AESO Engage page.
Tariff Priorities for 2023
The AESO proposes the following priorities for 2023. The priorities are based on feedback from stakeholders and, while the AESO believes they represent a reasonable balance of value-add and effort, the AESO seeks additional stakeholder feedback to ensure they are consistent with industry expectations.
Energy Storage Tariff Module
Outstanding Directions from Decision 22942-D02-2019
Bulk and Regional Rate Design and Changes to Rate DTS
Adjusted Metering Practice (AMP)
Materials and feedback from the Tariff Evolution Roundtable & World Café engagement that supported development of the priorities for 2023 can be found on the AESO Engage page: aesoengage.aeso.ca>tariff evolution roundtable & world cafe.
Current On-going Initiatives
Updates to Rate DOS
On April 23, 2024, the AESO filed its Application to approve amendments to update Rate DOS, Demand Opportunity Service, of the ISO tariff (Rate DOS) under proceeding AUC 28989.
Other Initiatives
The AESO proposes that the items below are not currently a priority for 2023, with the caveat that factors could change in 2023 which require the AESO and stakeholders to reconsider priorities.
Generator Unit Owner Contribution Calculation Methodology
Contribution Policy Review
Bill 22 Changes (Self-Supply)
SASR and Connection Project Changes
Transmission Regulation or other Policy Changes
Click for larger version of the graphic above.
Click here for the AESO Proposed 2023 Tariff Work Plan where these scheduled initiatives are discussed in further detail.
If you have questions, please contact tariffdesign@aeso.ca and subscribe to our stakeholder newsletter for updates.