ISO tariff background
Under the Electric Utilities Act, the AESO is responsible for the Independent System Operator (ISO) tariff, which consists of the rates, terms and conditions that apply to persons who receive system access service from the transmission system. The AESO submits a tariff update application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC or Commission) for approval each year, and has historically filed a new, comprehensive ISO tariff application every three to four years.
Tariff modernization
The ISO tariff is central to many on-going changes in the Alberta electricity industry. The wires costs required to be recovered through the ISO tariff have been increasing over the past decade with completed transmission reinforcements, while new technologies such as distributed energy resources and energy storage are changing the ways the transmission system is used. The current ISO tariff rate design needs to evolve and adapt to these changes. At the same time, consumers need clear and stable price signals to be provided by the ISO tariff so they can make effective business decisions. This requires a more modern approach to tariff rates, structure and processes to keep pace and adapt as required to a rapidly changing landscape. As such, the AESO is considering both the short-term and long-term as it evolves the design of the ISO tariff.
Additional tariff-related information
For additional tariff-related information, please follow the links below:
- GUOC rates and estimate calculator
- Current applications
- Tariff-related decisions
- Rider C charge or credit calculations
- Deferral Account Reconciliation ("DAR")
- 2024 ISO tariff rate calculations (approved)
- Updates to Rate DOS (approved)
If you would like to learn more about tariff components, please visit our Continuing Education page.
Consolidated ISO tariff documents
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ISO tariff components
‐ Ongoing stakeholder engagement
- Rate Demand Transmission Service (DTS)Download currentDetails
- Rate Fort Nelson Demand Transmission Service (FTS)Download currentDetails
- Rate Demand Opportunity Service (DOS)Download currentDetails
- Rate Export Opportunity Service (XOS)Download currentDetails
- Rate Export Opportunity Merchant Service (XOM)Download currentDetails
- Rate Demand Underfrequency Load Shedding Credits (UFLS)Download currentDetails
- Rate Primary Service Credit (PSC)Download currentDetails
- Rate Supply Transmission Service (STS)Download currentDetails
- Rate Import Opportunity Service (IOS)Download currentDetails
- Rider A1 - Transmission Duplication Avoidance Adjustments (Dow)Download currentDetails
- Rider A2 - Transmission Duplication Avoidance Adjustments (NOVA)Download currentDetails
- Rider A3 - Transmission Duplication Avoidance Adjustments (Shell Scotford)Download currentDetails
- Rider A4 - Transmission Duplication Avoidance Adjustments (Imperial Oil)Download currentDetails
- Rider C - Deferral Account Adjustment RiderDownload currentDetails
- Rider E - Losses Calibration Factor RiderDownload currentDetails
- Rider F - Balancing Pool Consumer Allocation RiderDownload currentDetails
- Rider J - Wind and Solar Forecasting Service Cost Recovery RiderDownload currentDetails
- Section 1 - Applicability and Interpretation of ISO TariffDownload currentDetails
- Section 2 - Provision of System Access ServiceDownload currentDetails
- Section 3 - System Access Service RequestsDownload currentDetails
- Section 4 - Classification and Allocation of Connection Projects CostsDownload currentDetails
- Section 5 - Changes to System Access ServiceDownload currentDetails
- Section 6 - Financial Obligations for Connection ProjectsDownload currentDetails
- Section 7 - Generating Unit Owner's ContributionDownload currentDetails
- Section 8 - Ancillary ServicesDownload currentDetails
- Section 9 - Demand Opportunity Service (DOS)Download currentDetails
- Section 10 - Settlement and Payment TermsDownload currentDetails
- Section 11 - Peak Metered Demand WaiversDownload currentDetails
- Section 12 - MiscellaneousDownload currentDetails
- ID #2025-015T, ISO Tariff - Bill Estimator CalculatorDownload currentDetails
- ID #2015-011T, Coincident Metered Demand Download currentDetails
- Coincident Metered Demand SupplementDownload currentDetails
- ID #2025-016T, ISO Tariff - Contribution CalculatorDownload currentDetails
- ID #2011-005T, Discount RatesDownload currentDetails
- ID #2020-016, Guideline for T-Tap ConnectionsDownload currentDetails
- ID #2025-014T, ISO Tariff - Generating Unit Owner's Contribution (GUOC) CalculatorDownload currentDetails
- ID #2011-004T, Operating Reserve Charge CalculationDownload currentDetails
- Operating Reserve Charge SupplementDownload currentDetails
- ID #2025-010T, ISO Tariff - Payment in Lieu of Notice CalculatorDownload currentDetails
- ID #2018-018T, Provision of System Access Service and the AESO Connection ProcessDownload currentDetails
- ID #2016-006, Radial CircuitDownload currentDetails
- ID #2016-017T, Transmission Constraint Rebalancing Charge Download currentDetails
- ID #2020-007 Waivers and Variances RequestsDownload currentDetails
- ID #2025-001 Invoices Submitted to the AESODownload currentDetails
- Transmission Constraint Rebalancing Charge SupplementDownload currentDetails