Contract Process
This page is intended to provide an overview of the key deliverables and roles and responsibilities for a typical project as it follows the Contract Process. The key deliverables and roles and responsibilities described below may be modified based on the scope and complexity of the project.
For a high-level summary of the Contract Process, see the Quick Reference Guide:
- Contract Process Quick Reference Guide [Posted: Jan. 4 2021]
Acronym Reference
Alberta Utilities Commission
Construction Contribution Decision
Critical Energy Infrastructure Information
Distribution Facility Owner
Demand Transmission Service
Energy Trading System
Generation Facility Owner
Generating Unit Owner’s Contribution
In-Service Date
Maximum Capability
Market Participant
Needs Identification Document
Permit & License
Project Data Update Package
System Access Service
System Access Service Request
Single Line Diagram
Supply Transmission Service
Transmission Facility Owner
Stage 0: Application
Target Timeline: 2 weeks
Stage 0 is the initiation stage of the Connection, Behind the Fence, and Contract Processes. In this stage, the market participant identifies a request for a new project by submitting a SASR to the AESO. The SASR is reviewed by the AESO for completeness and the project is initiated. The SASR is reviewed for completeness and the AESO may reach out to the market participant to clarify project information or to discuss project complexity. Upon completion of the review, the project is initiated.
- Required deliverables
Roles and responsibilities
- Submits SASR
- Reviews SASR
- Assigns project name and number and AESO Project Manager
- After completing all Gate 0 requirements, the AESO issues a letter acknowledging Gate 0 completion to the market participant.
Additional information
- For a list of initial steps to consider prior to submitting a SASR to the AESO, see the “Initiating a project” section on the Connecting to the grid page
- Read the SASR Guide for guidance while completing the SASR
- Review ID #2018-018T for further information about the AESO Connection Process
- Read the Principles for External Engagement
- Sign up for the AESO Stakeholder Newsletter for AESO updates in the footer of this webpage
Stage 1: Scope
Target Timeline: Not Applicable
Stage 1 is the scoping stage of the project. This stage includes a project kick-off meeting which begins discussions regarding the Project Plan and Study Scope. The responsibilities and involvement of the AESO, TFO, market participant, and study consultant are determined for the project.
Required deliverables
- Project Plan*
- Study Scope*
- Stage 1 CCD
Roles and responsibilities
- Initiates project kick-off meeting
- Completes Project Plan
- Coordinates meetings, takes meeting minutes, and coordinates deliverables
- Completes Study Scope
- Issues Stage 1 CCD
- Reviews Project Plan and Study Scope
Additional information
- The market participant may be responsible for performing the necessary studies for the project and is responsible for all project costs
- The study consultant should attend the kick-off meeting
- Contact if you would like an example of a Study Scope
Stage 2: Assessment
Target Timeline: Not Applicable
In Stage 2, engineering studies are completed to assess the impact of the project on the grid. The study results are reviewed by the AESO.
Required deliverables
- Engineering Study Results (ESR)*
- Proposal to Proceed
Roles and responsibilities
- Activates account in the Customer Connections SharePoint Online (SPO) Site and retrieves CEII from the site
- Submits Engineering Study Results
- Uploads CEII to the Customer Connections SPO Site
- Coordinates meetings, takes meeting minutes, and coordinates deliverables
- Reviews Engineering Study Results
- Issues Proposal to Proceed
Additional information
- See the Connection Study Requirements for more information about how to perform the engineering studies
- Ensure the study consultant communicates with the AESO's Study Engineer prior to starting any work and at any time when issues are identified during the study
Stage 3/4/5: Contract
Target Timeline: Not Applicable
In Stage 3/4/5, the market participant and the AESO sign the SAS Agreement.
Required deliverables
- Financial Security for SAS Agreements
- SAS Agreement
- GUOC Notice (generators only)
- Construction Contribution payment or refund*
- Payment in Lieu of Notice (PILON)*
- GUOC payment (generators only)
- ETS setup (generators only)
Roles and responsibilities
- Coordinates meetings, takes meeting minutes, and coordinates deliverables
- Issues GUOC Notice
- Executes the SAS Agreement
- Reviews application and sets up the GFO and the asset in ETS
- Provides Financial Security for the SAS Agreements
- Executes the SAS Agreement
- Makes construction contribution payment or receives construction contribution refund
- Makes payment in lieu of notice
- Submits GUOC payment
- Submits application to be set up in ETS
Additional information
- The CCD may be updated in this stage if there are any project changes
- To estimate the GUOC amount, refer to the GUOC Estimation Calculator
- See the Joining the energy market page for more information about how to apply to be set up in ETS
- The Market Participant may be required to provide financial security to the AESO in this stage. See Section 103.3 of the ISO rules, Financial Security Requirements for more information.
Stage 6: Close Out
Target Timeline: Not applicable
Stage 6 marks the end of the project and the final stage of the Contract Process. There are no deliverables included as part of this stage.
* May not be required depending on the scope and complexity of the project