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    Transmission Projects

    Projects are any upgrades, reinforcements, or additions that expand or enhance the transmission system in Alberta. Projects also include the connection of generation, energy storage, and load facilities to the grid.

    The AESO publishes information for all projects following the AESO Connection Process on a monthly basis. This includes information about in-progress projects with an accepted System Access Service Request (SASR), recently energized projects, and recently cancelled projects. Click the buttons below to view the new interactive Power BI dashboard or the interactive map which display information from the Connection Project List. The Connection Project List can be found on the Connection Project Reporting page.

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    Project Notifications

    View all projects with ongoing stakeholder engagement in Alberta below. Each page contains detailed information about the project. Once a project is in service, it will be removed from the website. If you need more information on any project, email us at:

    Read our planning area map.

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